did radha had a child

Radha is the “Bhakta, ” and Lord Krishna is the “Bhagwan.” Radha knew that Krishna was an incarnation of Lord Vishnu and she could only attain Krishna being a devotee who is devoted in “bhakti bhava” to Lord Krishna. Radha, in Hinduism, the gopi (milkmaid) who became the beloved of the god Krishna during that period of his life when he lived among the gopas (cowherds) of Vrindavan. He had no interest in the worldly matters. In the bhakti (devotional) This is the beauty of their relationship. There is famous story and I have already answered it once in my Initial days on QUORA, and I repeat it again , Radha was incarnation of Krishna itself. Radha was cursed to be separated from Krishna for 100 years not to marry someone else. Whether it's in the spiritual realm or in the material realm, radha has always been married to Krishna and only to Krishna. But Krishna had never thought that Radha would take the matter literally. Krishna said, ‘Radha, I am not a king.’ Krishna had dreamt of establishing a large palace on an Iceland and serving the helpless and needy people there. Radha was devoted to Krishna from her heart and due to constant thinking of him, Krishna had in fact become inseparable from Radha having become … The marriage. During Krishna's youth, she appears as his lover and companion, though he is not married to her. Lord Sri Krishna had 16,108 wives and each wife had 10 sons, so now you can multiply the sum and find out the exact figure of sons of Sri Krishna. Radha was the wife of another gopa but was the dearest of Krishna’s consorts and his constant companion. Even as a child Radha was very well aware of Krishna’s divinity and hence she carried Krishna’s memories in her heart till the end. Here is a little we must know how she died and why Lord Krishna broke his flute. Subbulakshmi, who accompanied the legendary musician for nearly five decades on stage, died in … 28/32 The divine love story ended with the death of Radha. She is described as the chief of gopis (milkmaids). Radha said, ‘ … In most of the … So he told Radha he was a king in reality. Radha (Sanskrit: राधा, IAST: Rādhā), also called Radhika, is a Hindu goddess and a consort of the god Krishna.She is worshipped as the goddess of love, tenderness, compassion and devotion. They are believed to have shared the love via their souls. Yes, Lord Sri Krishna had several sons but no own became successor of Dwarkadhish throne. Carnatic vocalist Radha Vishwanathan, 83, daughter of M.S. Being a “Bhakta” Radha surrendered herself to Lord Krishna to get his divine blessings. His marriage to Radha was organized by Nanda (foster father of Krishna).