cape york peninsula plants

Thankyou for posting. Fungi and some other micro-organisms that cause plant disease or are associated with diseased plants on Cape York Peninsula and Torres Strait islands are listed. & F.M.Bailey) Craven (Kennedy's Heath). Cape York Region Package was a 5-year (2014-15 to 2018-19) $276 million program of works jointly funded by the Australian and Queensland Governments to upgrade critical infrastructure on Cape York Peninsula. In the context of Australian rainforests this work should be seen as an addition to the On this relatively small territory, more than 700 species of vertebrate animals live and grow more than 3,000 plant species, including about 260 endemic plants. Hello - lovely images Derrick. These plants only meet at the McIlwraith Department on the Cape York Peninsula. Cape York Region Package. bbbbbbb: Lindernia beasleyi: Lindernia beasleyi : Description:Flower - blue flowered form: Description:Flowers : Location:Fruit Bat Falls, Cape York Peninsula, North Queensland: Location:Heathlands, Cape York Peninsula, North Queensland Trees and plants of Uw Olkola and Uw Oykangand land This is a genetic list of the trees and shrubs diagnostic of central Cape York Peninsula woodlands. on northern Cape York peninsula. The structure and floristics of the major communities are described and related to soil type and climate. For interest here is a further images of Myrmecodia tuberosa 'papuana' from McIlwraith Range, Cape York Peninsula, long time ago. Dockrillia wassellii is native to Northeast Australia. As of January 1996 there was a grand total of eight different collections of this palm deposited at the Queensland Herbarium (BRI) and the Australian National Herbarium, Atherton (QRS). Observe the quarantine restrictions that apply to the movement of animals, plants, soil and other carriers of pests and diseases in Cape York and the Torres Strait. Plants grow as epiphytes in the canopy of complex notophyll vineforest on granite substrates at altitudes above 500 m. Notes: This species is clearly distinct because of the strongly discolorous, glossy foliage and the ferruginous trichomes that are copiously distributed in the inflorescences. About Cape York. Hello - lovely images Derrick. This species is described in the 2016 article below. While Cape York Peninsula shares many widespread plant species with the northern Australian tropical savannas, it contains 39 unique vegetation types identifiable at the 1:1,000,000 map scale (Mackey et al. Cape York Cape York is a ‘must-do’ destination for those serious about exploring what Australia has to offer. The Olkola people welcome to their traditional lands those people who will respect and take care of their land and waters, as well as the native plants and animals. Nine grassland communities were derived from aporistic analysis of` the site data, and are Cape York is one of Australia's last great wilderness areas and was voted number 13 on the list of "Things in Australia You Must Do Before You Die". Despite this, there are few specimens preserved in herbaria. 3. Cape York Peninsula is also habitat for an enormous diversity of plants and animals, with than one-half of Australia’s bird species (301), one-third of Australia’s mammal species (73), one-quarter of Australia’s frog species (32) and one-quarter of Australia’s reptiles (103). The Rainforests of Cape York Peninsula PREFACE In their report The Rainforests of Cape York Peninsula, Peter Stanton and David Fell have made a substantial contribution to our knowledge of the present extent, diversity, tenure and condition of these forests. Corypha utan is widespread on Cape York Peninsula and has been recorded from at least 96 localities (Fig. The best time to visit Cape York is June through to October. Cape York Peninsula is home to some 3,300 species of flowering plants and an amazing 99.6% of the Peninsula still retains its native vegetation. When For interest here is a further images of Myrmecodia tuberosa 'papuana' from McIlwraith Range, Cape York Peninsula, long time ago. It is fragmented by one major road and a couple of old, unused vehicle tracks. Travelers who want to visit Cape Peninsula should inquire about the rainy season. Legislative framework Nature Conservation Act 1992 Alternately, you may search for trees and plants based on their usage in traditional industry: The uses of plants … As the first step of producing a property management plan for Batavia Downs, a resource The coastline of Cape York Peninsula is largely sandy with steep and rocky sections. Alwal National Park (Cape York Peninsula Aboriginal Land) (NP (CYPAL)). It is recommended that travellers check conditions before attempting to drive off the Peninsula Development Road or bypass roads that run from the Weipa junction north to the Jardine River Ferry and up to the top of Cape York Peninsula. 1. include inappropriate fire regimes, pest animals, pest plants and human impacts. The below map is for visual representation purposes only. Locally high concentrations of shorebirds do occur around river mouths and mangrove-lined bays and estuaries, e.g. Today, consent is also being sought from a variety of Traditional Owner groups across Cape York Peninsula for a World Heritage nomination of appropriate areas. Southern section of the 'Bloomfield Track' - check with Douglas Shire Council 07 4099 9444.. General Description: Dirt road with some creek crossings subject to flooding. Industries in 1987. Cape York Peninsula is a large remote peninsula located in Far North Queensland, Australia.It is the largest unspoiled wilderness in northern Australia. Cape York Peninsula and Torres Strait Islands 13 Ways to manage and recover marine debris on the Cape York Peninsula and Torres Strait Islands 21 Marine debris ‘hot spots’, ghost nets and other large items on Cape York and Torres Strait Islands 25. There is a huge amount of 260 of these plants are endemic (that is, found in no other place on earth). The vegetation of the bioregion is predominantly eucalypt and melaleuca woodlands with Darwin stringybark as the dominant species. The property occupies 201 507 hectares on central Cape York Peninsula, with the homestead located one kilometre west of the Peninsula Developmental Road at 12°40'S and 142°40'E at an altitude of 70 m (see Figure 1). The Future: Sustainable Management of Marine Debris on Cape York and Torres Strait Islands Cape York Peninsula is a large remote peninsula located in Far North Queensland, Australia.It is the largest unspoiled wilderness in northern Australia. Visit the Cape York Biosecurity Centre to learn about the high-risk pests and diseases that could affect Cape York and the Torres Strait, as well as the rest of Queensland. This may explain why it has relatively lower numbers of shorebirds than other areas. 1). mapping developed from the Cape York Peninsula Land Use Strategy in the 1990s for . These plants are from Cape York Peninsula. 1. Access wetland mapping in PDF and KML format by selecting the desired 100K map tile below or download the data via the Queensland Government Information Service.. Other conspicuous plants in this habitat are various Cyperaceae, Banksia dentata L.f.., Utricularia spp., Byblis Uniflora Salisb., Kutini-Payamu (Iron Range) NP (CYPAL) contains the only easily accessible, intact lowland rainforest on Cape York Peninsula. Cape York Peninsula bioregion 1 Description Area: 121 100 km2 The Cape York Peninsula bioregion has north-trending ranges, which are surrounded by foothills and broad alluvial plains of low relief. 3. 2. Myrmecodia tuberosa "papuana" Cape York Peninsula, Australia. Thankyou for posting. This is, at least in part, due to the provision of accurate . The surrounding habitat is described by Fox et al. Flooded roads … Eucalypt open forests and woodlands are the most widespread, with large areas of Melaleuca low open woodland and open woodland. The vascular flora of Cape York Peninsula comprises 3,338 species (Neldner and Clarkson 1995), which show a variety of influences. Cape York has it all rugged national parks, pristine waterways and secluded beaches. 2001). This plant is one of the plants from which seed was collected for the authorised propagator trade in Queensland, AU so some of you will have its offspring in your collections. from Dinagat Island, Mindanao, Philippines: This is a preview of subscription content, log in to check access. With 1200 km of roads connecting Cairns to Cape York. (2001) as open heath, Type C15 - dominated by Asteromyrtus lysicephala (F.Muell. They grow on the outskirts of the climbing Araucaria forests, in areas with high levels of light and strong air traffic at heights of around 300 m. Km. Cape York Peninsula (CYP) bioregion. The species are organised into families, and within families they are organised alphabetically by the scientific names. The peninsula is quite large, its extent is about 600 km, and the general area is 137 000 sq. This plant is one of the plants from which seed was collected for the authorised propagator trade in Queensland, AU so some of you will have its offspring in your collections. - Dinagat Island, Mindanao, Philippines - posted in Hydnophytum - all species - with and without close Ant interactions (Rubiaceae): Hydnophytum spec. Fourteen grassland units are mapped on the basis of their relationship to soils and landforms. The area is rich in culture, with a mix of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander communities and traditions. The Kimberley The Kimberley has an allure & mystique that adventurous travellers find hard to … Hydnophytum spec. Range on Cape York Peninsula. Eucalypt open forests and woodlands are the most widespread, with large areas of Melaleuca low open woodland and open woodland. plants on Cape York Peninsula. The Woodland tree and shrub species list is a list of the flora (trees, plants, vines, reeds, grasses, lilies) typical of the central Cape York Peninsula woodland, organised by families. Abstract The structure and floristics of the major communities are described and related to soil type and climate. Heath areas occur in the extreme NE and N. of Cooktown. Some areas are still Area: CAPE TRIBULATION to WUJAL WUJAL (Coastal Road) Road Name. The grasslands of Cape York Peninsula in monsoonal north Queensland, Australia represent extensive examples of this formation that have been relatively undisturbed by agricultural development.