you will be held accountable

Salvation is the Holy Spirit’s job, though, and “IF” we do not share the Gospel with “whomever”…even though God is whispering for us to do so, that will not “seal” their fate. Or I will enter the Heaven but I will lose a prise? Well said Toni. Defenders of the Gospel. February 26, 2021 . Americans are outraged about the Equifax data breach that exposed the personal and financial data of 143 million people. Most likely, if we didn’t have to be accountable to someone—many of us would live lesser lives. By doing so, WE CONTRIBUTE TO THEIR FATE of eternal death because we withheld the truth from them”(emphasis mine). When i see racism and injustice. They don't expect praise. Hello Anna. I will try to do it on a daily basis, I will observe what have I learned so far how it helped me in my life, what was the weak points that I should work on. It is a brave topic, as no one wants to hear, “…and I will hold you accountable for their blood” (Ezekiel 33:8)”. Myanmar's generals will be "held accountable" for any suppression of a burgeoning civil disobedience campaign, a UN rights envoy said on Monday. Soon-to-be Sen. Maj. Leader Chuck Schumer (D-NY) marks the transfer of power by vowing that Trump "will be held accountable. ‘You Will Be Held Accountable’: Rep. Tom Reed Lays Out Possible Federal Case Against Andrew Cuomo. … READ : Jeremiah 51:15-33. The Bible says God's ways are not our ways because man looks on outward physical matters, while God looks at the heart attitude and operates in the spiritual realm. II Corinthians 5:10 . Gus Bickford must be held accountable. What about people who kill grown men or do not put systems in place to ensure that innocent black men are not killed? If a person wants something that another person has, it is okay to kill to get it. How hard and often you … Hosea 4:6 King James Version (KJV) Have a blessed day. Every believer needs at least one person in their life who pulls no punches when it comes to speaking the truth in love. But since filing a lawsuit will be a long road, they’ll also need to push their legislators and regulators to hold Equifax accountable. Is that mean lose salvation, go to hell? “You will be held accountable Trump, you and all your people for every drop of blood flowing in Muslim countries,” it read, adding: “I Love Islamic state.” There are so many words spoken in a day that we hardly think about what we say. Ice Dragon: Legend of the Blue Daisies – Movie Review, Phoenix Wilder And The Great Elephant Adventure – Movie Review, The Boxcar Children: Surprise Island – Movie Review. The age of criminal responsibility in England and Wales is 10 years old. Accolades are nice, but none are deserved if the project is partially done. Where in the bible does it point to God holding us responsible for not knowing his Word? You always make me think Crystal, and I thank you for that. If a person wants something that another person has, it is okay to kill to get it. These “systems” have already been in place…and sadly, since African-Americans have been enslaved. By: CNN. (You will be held accountable, for his blood) 33:9 Nevertheless, if you warn the wicked of his ways and to turn from them, and he doesn’t turn away, he shall die in his iniquity; but thou hast delivered thou soul (he still died in his skin, but you are saved). A leader must be sure that they’ve said and done everything as directed by the Lord so that people will stay on the right track. You are in the grey list. YOU ALONE will be held accountable for what you … YOU WILL BE HELD ACCOUNTABLE “This is what the Sovereign Lord says: Woe to the shepherds of Israel who only take care of themselves! The same applies to individuals who might be tempted to throw a party for their friends. China Should Be Held Accountable for COVID-19 We are now one year into what is arguably the largest mass tort case in human history. If these people, or anyone else who committed federal crimes at the Capitol today, are from Northern Ohio, you are going to be held accountable before I leave office. "It's as if the generals have declared war on the people of Myanmar," Tom Andrews, the UN special rapporteur for Myanmar, wrote on Twitter. It says that “a gigantic creature, solidly made and black-bearded to the waist. You also in your little corner of leadership will be held accountable. “But they will have to give account to him who is ready to judge the living and the dead” (1 Peter 4:5). Yesterday at 8:38 AM February 18, 2021 4:25 PM ET. In his hand the man held a long-barreled revolver, and he was pointing it straight at Rainsford’s heart.” In this situation i think that the guy holding the gun is doing nothing wrong. You are reporting your progress to another. 1 Chronicles 16:11 Seek the LORD and his strength; seek his presence continually!