wavy hair metaphor

02-09-2016 13:52. in Opinion. Update: Something original and not really relating to the waves of the seas and stuff :) Answer Save. Powdered hair/wigs -- Unisex style worn from about 1760’s to 1820; after 1740 men were wearing shorter, simpler wigs and began to powder their own hair Punk -- Usually short on top and styled with lotion to stand up off the head; often a mohawk fashion from forehead to nape; sometimes dyed bright neon colors of pink, purple, blue, orange etc. You could give a connection between the wavy hair and the beach. But you can read the saga of Mr. Reagan's hair as a metaphor for the 1980s, when deceit by public officials reached new levels of respectability. Hope this helps! Black hair hierarchy is a metaphor for life It’s not just about hair - it’s about racism. Your hair waves like the ocean. Lily. Hair like the mist … Describing hair in words is not easy for a reader without a picture. That's a tough one! Her hair was like the threads of gold. His blond hair like gold from the furnace. My wavy locks sway side to side as they rest upon my head. vi Theo Desmond Seward, khu pháo này "gồm một hào sâu với một bức tường đất phía sau nó, được gia cố bởi các thân cây, điểm đặc biệt nhất là đường hình sóng khác thường của các rãnh và bờ đất, giúp các khẩu … Her dusky hair, like silver night elbowing the gloom of twilight. Anonymous. A Dictionary of Similes. pearlilized. It seems like the perfect candidate for poetry but it’s so unlike anything else. That shades the mountain-side at e’en. 2 Answers. ocean waves, ripples. My hair was unruly like my untamed heart. The wavy hair spun in circles like it was out of control. 0 0. With volume.” wavy translation in English-Vietnamese dictionary. by Ground Up. Relevance. Hair like weed. Her hair was as wavy as the sea on a windy day? giuseppebitchtits. Texture: Silk, blankets etc for smooth hair. “Trying to resurrect my confidence-boosting curls reminds me of expat life. (Simile) Your hair cascades down your back in gentle waves of golden grain. Resurrecting My Hair: A Metaphor for Expat Life. This is always a deceptively difficult one. He had very fair wavy hair, a high forehead, excited and friendly eyes and a delicate long-lipped Irish mouth that, on a girl, would have been the mouth of a beauty [italics mine]. With your peace-loving persona, styles that are soft and wavy resonate with your personality. 1 decade ago. Culture fatigue flattens me and dampens my spirit. Hope this helped :) Wavy hair is a carefree breeze, barely noticed but always there. What are some good similes/metaphors for wavy hair? 8 years ago. It can also be related to the activity, whether natural hair movement or movement due to dancing. Language acquisition makes me feel like I’m back in seventh grade, when I woke up one day and my hair had made its hormone-induced transition.”. The easiest method is to focus on one aspect of the hair at a time. Phrases for Hair Movement You must find great phrases to convey a person's hair movement and hairstyle to a reader. ... “Ja, but it has to be soft wavy curls. My wavy hair jumps and tumbles down from the top of my head to my shoulders. Favourite answer. 0 0. 8 years ago. (Simile) Your hair waves like a long-lost friend to me. 1916. Frank J. Wilstach, comp.