unique adjectives to describe a person

Outgoing – you are someone who enjoys spending time with other people. 5. Alternatives: accommodating, obliging, tactful, amicable, peacemaking. 7. Alternatives: modest, unassuming, unpretentious. Pin. 6. So, we must be more solicitous and make time for our loved ones. The list is divided in an easy to read format. Think of the nicest person you know. 188 Warmhearted . Unique – because everyone is unique in their own way. 27. Honest – you tell the truth, even when the truth is hard to say. Venal – prone to taking bribes, corruptThe venal referees were severely punished for rigging the game. 16. It defines the quality or state of the words that they are modifying. Alternatives: dedicated, loyal, faithful, devoted. 30. Energetic – you have bags of energy and like to be active as much as possible. Learn & Explore Assign. Heck, you may even make a discussion out of it with your friends. Alternatives: polite, gracious, courteous. What are the positive qualities does she have? Thoughtful – you look for ways to do nice things for people and you think before you speak/act to avoid causing upset. list of adjectives words beginning with S to describe someone sad sadistic safe saintly sallow same samoan sanguine sapphire sarcastic sardinian sardonic sassy satanic satisfied satisfying saturnine saucy savage scarce scared scarred scary scattered sceptered sceptical sceptred scholarly scintillating scornful scotch scots scottish scratchy screaming scruffy sculptured seated secretive … 50 adjectives to describe a person. Restless – unable to relax, keep still, or concentrate due to anxiety, impatience, or boredomAs a child, I used to get restless on long, arduous trips. An adjective describes nouns or pronouns. 18. Laid back – you don’t take things too seriously and are happy to go with the flow. 17. Alternatives: observant, intuitive, sensitive. 8. It is important to have these words in your written and spoken vocabulary because you may, at some point in your life, face a situation that requires you to describe someone. Alternatives: sincere, genuine, frank, straight. Suppose you are talking about your cousin to your friends. Naive – innocent or marked by unaffected simplicity; one who lacks experience or wisdomI was very naive to think that the guys will take this game seriously. Adjectives that describe personality are often called personality adjectives. Boisterous – noisy, full of energy, and cheerfulA bevy of boisterous sailors barged into the bar and created a ruckus. 4. Competent – you are skilled at a particular task or duty. randomize. An individual’s personality is something that is molded from the moment they are born right through to the present moment. 15. 10. 50 adjectives to describe a person. In this article, we’ll share 50 positive’ words with you to describe human beings. You want to find adjectives that reflect on your unique qualities, but also show that you would be right for the job. The neighbour’s kid – Bill is inconsiderate. 8. 181 Uplifted . Pin. 172 Thrilled . Haughty – arrogant and disdainfully proud, having or showing a feeling of superiority and contempt for anything perceived as inferior  The aristocrats treated the peasants with haughty contempt. Let’s take a look at a few different ways to use adjectives. His never-ending taunts disturb you very much. If you want to do it well, describing people’s appearance in English can be tricky and requires a lot of detail. 43. In this cut-throat competitive environment, we are so pre-occupied with our work that we hardly devote any time to the people we love and care for, people who matter to us. 39. 3. Fussy – finicky or fastidious,  not easily pleased, worrying about unnecessary detailsOur English teacher is very fussy about punctuation marks. Now, we all know that we are either introverts or extroverts. 176 Tranquil . 45. There are a large number of adjectives in the English dictionary that describe human behaviour. Creative – you are able to think outside the box and come up with ideas to drive the business forward. We’ll provide 50 primary words along with alternatives for each, giving a total of 250 words to describe yourself as a person. Be sure to check out our guide on using resume adjectivesbelow to make sure you don’t make this mistake. The night was dark and dreary as I slowly opened my window and peeked outside. Not only it will convey the right meaning, but the use of specific words to describe someone will enhance the standard of your text. Alternatives: free-thinker, artistic, imaginative. Personality adjectives can be one of the most important types of adjectives to understand. To describe someone’s appearance, you will often use adjectives. Aug 20, 2020 - Explore jalessa b's board "unique adjectives" on Pinterest. 4. Some of the adjectives that we can use are – affable, amicable, caring, thoughtful, beautiful, classy, precious, impressive, irreplaceable, trustworthy, understanding, sweet, etc. Thus, avoid using adjectives like perfect, flawless, wise, etc. Thus, employing the exact or accurate adjectives will drastically enhance the quality of your write-up and make it more interesting for the readers. Positive Adjectives to describe starting with letter O. But, you must remember to be discreet and not sound pretentious. Diplomatic – you are good at managing conflict and bringing people together. That’s why it’s essential to take simple adjectives and turn them into skills that can be transferred to the job at hand. 12. What do we mean by appearance? 1. List of 100 common personality adjectives that describe people positively You may use them for inspiration or to enhance your resume. You can use words like friendly, adventurous, witty, passionate, etc., and describe things or concepts that you prefer or like. These guys can be best described as nefarious, crooked, wicked, corrupt, violent, etc. With a list of common adjectives of attitude at hand, you can effectively describe your surroundings in detail. 46. AmaT on March 15, 2011 1:04 pm. 1. It will help you to visualize better and use the entire range of vocabulary to sketch this person accurately. When we talk of inner disposition, we must focus on their mood. Composed – you stay cool and calm under pressure and don’t let your emotions get the better of you. Professional – you act in ways that best represent and promote the company you work for. And by proper, we meant the meaning and the usage altogether to create a perfect description of someone. 180 Unique . Every individual has his/her distinct character traits and personalities. Timid – lack of courage and self-assurance, easily frightened.Jimmy is as timid as a mouse. 2. Bob has a childlike directness that is quite admirable. Always remember to use the precise adjectives to describe a person. Be good, be nice and be positive with these positive words to describe someone’s personality! Think of it as if you are writing a book. Alternatives: loving, big-hearted, generous, warm-hearted, kind. Practice Answer a few questions on each word. In reply to Important Infrequently Used Words To Know Rochelle commented that she would like to to see a list of joyful words she should learn as well. See more ideas about unusual words, word definitions, cool words. Spelling Bee Test your spelling acumen. Enthusiastic – showing or having intense enjoyment and interest and an eagerness to partake in itThe audience was very enthusiastic on the opening day of the production. Adept: very skilled. This page contains affiliate links. Alternatives: amiable, personable, friendly, sociable, easy going. Mature – you display behavior that shows you are a real grown up. Grouchy – grumpy; easily annoyed and complaining about every little thingsMartin tends to get a little grouchy at times, but he has a good heart. It’s not enough that you only have a list of adjectives, right? And there are plenty more adjectives in the English dictionary that you can innovatively use to describe a villain. When we like someone or when certain qualities of a person appeal to us, we like to think that he/she is in our good books. 10. Try to express the specific qualities he/she has. She’s so thoughtful and courteous, a perfect guest and a host for every occasion. 2. Included below are positive personality adjectives and adverbs that will allow you to paint anyone in a very positive and beneficial light and allow you to highlight that which makes them truly amazing, unique and wonderful. Is the person funny and jovial? Here, not only have we painted a vivid description of the witch, but we have also coloured our entire text with negative adjectives that will enhance the ugliness or the hideous nature of the witch. Describing a person can be difficult when you don’t know the proper words to use. Perceptive – you notice the little things and you pay attention to what people say. Alternatives: tender, cuddly, emotionally expressive. 11. A word’s usage changes over time, and it may end up having a positive or negative connotation. Level-headed – sensible and rational, exercising sound judgment Frank is level-headed and pragmatic, and that’s why he is our leader. Some of these adjectives may overlap with how you describe yourself as a person. Alternatives: persistent, dogged, steadfast, resolute, focused. What are the words to describe someone who is special? What are your significant character traits? There are numerous words in the English lexicon for describing the appearance of someone. But, these are very generic terms. He often tries to harm or intimidate you. Funny – providing fun, humorous, causing laughter; strange or unusual; difficult to understandPam is so funny that she also makes the teachers laugh. On the field, he doesn’t realize that he is being over-critical. He’s spontaneous and frank, and he will describe what he is feeling to your face openly. For using precise words to describe someone who’s special, you need to delve deep into the crevices of your heart and discern or distinguish your feelings. A list great list of Adjectives Starting with A to Describe Person. Without a doubt, she was the most grotesque thing I have ever seen. Similarly, you can also use ‘inferior’ or ‘dreadful’ in place of the commonly used word ‘bad’. Alternatives: relaxed, light-hearted, easy-going, carefree. You just grazed your hand over one door of the car, and yet he yelled at you that attracted attention from the onlookers. We’ll provide 50 primary words along with alternatives for each, giving a total of 250 words to describe yourself as a person. Alternatives: fun-loving, mischievous, playful. 21. 2. Gentle – you have a soft nature that seeks to get on with everyone. Morose – sullen and ill-humored, marked by a sense of gloomShe remained morose for days, and we could do little to cheer her up.