strong leaders in history

13 Elizabeth I of England. God bless, and I hope you find the Truth. He strongly disapproved of slavery calling it morally and economically deplorable. After all, introverts have been responsible for some of the greatest achievements in history, as well as being some of the most successful business and political leaders in the world. He was eventually assassinated by his friend Brutus. In this chat retarded 5 year old edgy atheists think that jesus is the part of the bible that doesn’t exist. He was great leader! Learn Strong Leadership from Great Leaders in History, Learn Leadership from Great Leaders in History. Every American leader is terrible, especially Obama the fgt. You don’t know anything what about your cows and pieces of wood. Mark = John Mark – A.D. 50 The Caribbean’s first female Prime Minister, who held the position in Dominica for 15 years until 1995, was the longest serving female Prime Minister in world history. No one needs an introduction for this great man. *drops mic*. is cutting a swathe across the realm of retail, from b… Jawaharlal Nehru, or Pandit Nehru, was the first and the longest-serving (16 years) Prime Minister of Independent India. Did you ever meet muhammad or Buddha? He became the chancellor of Germany in 1933, rising through the ranks and waged a great war. Razia Sultan. Happy New Year by the way. The Independent and the Carefree. 2017 © That is not a leader. And, by the same token, proper evaluation of Biblical descriptions has often led to amazing discoveries.” –Nelson Glueck, “Archaeological work has unquestionably strengthened confidence in the reliability of the Scriptural record. 0. Starting from female Samurais in the early 1800s and ending with Stephanie Kwolek, who invented Kevlar (yes, a woman invented that!) Please have faith in Allah and his last messenger Muhammad( (P.B.U.H) … If you ever wanna convert then convert to Islam ,Sunni.. You can search more about islam.. Islam means Peace… Please Just search once.. Well said,but trust me this list is created by an Indian that’s why he put mahatma ghandi on no.1. Truth is something that is consistent with all times, places and things. I want the worst of the worst, give me the most evil, heartless, inhumane leaders in history!!! MUHAMMAD is one and only Person in all over the world have greatest Leader of the world. (Musnad Ahmad Ibn Hanbal), 7. He united China into a single socialist state. Great men and women who created nations were there was none. Dear Friend you PAKIs also got Independence because of him. Out of these cookies, the cookies that are categorized as necessary are stored on your browser as they are essential for the working of basic functionalities of the website. I don’t think anything remotely close could be said, or frankly will ever be said, about any other “leader”. That’s ridiculous!! Sorry but their are no contemporary accounts of his existence. The list is a shame. There is a truly valid explanation of why some historical events don’t match up with bible such as exodus. Gamal Abdel Nasser Hussein, the President of Egypt, was one of the most important and influential political leaders of the 20th century. Business Udemy-100%. Keep your delusions out of my history please. He was the king of the Kingdom of Macedonia and perhaps, he was the greatest military commander to have ever lived. He didn’t know the first thing about true leadership, he was a bully, thief and a prejudiced lunatic. Our site includes quite a bit of content, so if you're having an issue finding what you're looking for, go on ahead and use that search feature there! There are a few examples from history that women sometimes had ruled the powerful empires and today they are the leading figures in several political positions, corporate sector, industries and financial services sector, social activity and many more. A Positive Attitude. There is literally a class at university’s called “The Study of Historical Jesus” Just because you don’t believe his story doesn’t make him not a real lol….. You know nothing Jon Snow….. lame… nice Christophobic response there hater! You believe in God and Jesus Christ, but deny them. Your Lord and Our Lord knows the best, tu ne kaha ke teri ma behnu ke saath ye wo karke hindu banaye ge this list of women who changed the … America’s first president, George Washington led the country with integrity, firmness and prudence that made him one of the greatest presidents in American history. Anyone notice how terribly written this article is? What is relatively unknown about this leader is that he was also a renowned writer and artist (The Nobel Prize winner in Literature, 1953). Where is MUSTAFA KEMAL ATATURK?? You’d have to be sick. He died in Babylon in 323 BC at the young age of 32. His determination, focus and will-power were tremendous that even after serving almost 30 years in jail, he got out and worked again for what was right. Stalin? The Emancipation Proclamation issued by President Lincoln freed nearly 3 million slaves in different states of America. His birthday, 2nd October, is celebrated as a National or public holiday in India. “Do not kill any child, any woman, or any elder or sick person.” (Sunan Abu Dawud), 2. To question why a religious figure is not on this list is quite foolish. Necessary cookies are absolutely essential for the website to function properly. His last words were “Behold, I found Rome of clay, and leave her to you of marble.”. His military tactics, that helped him extend his empire, occupying the northern and central India, are well-known. I’m glad I read your post before posting myself. She was one of Ancient Egypt’s greatest leaders. Non Christian biblical scholars believe that the gospel of Mark was written in Syria by an unknown Christian no earlier than AD 70 using various sources including a passion narrative (probably written), collections of miracles stories (oral or written), apocalyptic traditions (probably written), and disputations and didactic sayings (some possibly written). Steve, you really need to have an experience. – Jack Welch. Patricia Sellers, Fortune Magazine Editor at Large, talks about the 50 Most Powerful Women list, which includes Oprah Winfrey More » In other words, all of Mark’s sources were at best, second hand, more likely fifth or sixth hand.. entire bible is just like that.. an amalgamation of various stories written by anonymous authors.. Steve, where do you get your information from? 16 Queen Victoria. Psalms = several different authors, mostly David – 1000 – 400 B.C. We've created informative articles that you can come back to again and again when you have questions or want to learn more! If you are a Muslim, then read your Holy Qur’an. Kenny, I too am glad you have begun your own research as well. Howsoever I believe that doing a good little thing for others and being a leader for ourselves would be better than insulting other’s belief. This list is pretty poorly thought out if you ask me. You beat me to it. 12. You seem to be all over the place. No Notifications It was hard to see Hitler’s name for some people. The Holy Quran would never be rejected because this book was written over thousands of years ago and the first version is still reserved. They weren’t leaders, they were Freddy Krueger serial rapists and murderers. =) And of course, there is no one russian leader. Isn’t a mans legacy proof enough that he existed? You believe they existed, correct? I would’ve added Pharaoh Hatshepsut to the greatest leader list. This is a compilation of famous military leaders whose strategic influence shaped the way history unfolded. Visit: Archaeologists have unearthed the five porticoes of the pool of Bethesda by the Sheep Gate (John 5:2), the pool of Siloam (9:1-7), Jacob’s well at Sychar (4:5), the “Pavement” (Gabbatha) where Pilate tried Jesus (19:13), and Solomon’s porch in the temple precincts (10:22-23). Coupon Details. Muslims believe that Jesus ( Hazrat Eisaa in the Qur’an) had be taken to the sky alive and will return one day… I don’t know about other religions and I have nothing against them and why should I? His conviction, humility, oratory skills made him one of the greatest leaders we have ever had. How and why would you put Castro or Mau on here? After thinking long and hard on this subject I have come to the conclusion that a man named Yeshua (Jesus) did live around the time of John the baptist. And please don’t say the bible because it has no proof of actually being factual. Why do people allow themselves to become so blindly ideological? Leading teams is a difficult task. So much anger on this page. He was awarded the The Nobel Peace Prize in 1964. What seems more logical to you? The topic was on great leaders. His military campaigns covered twice the territory of Alexander the Great. No one follows a single quote out of ten. If you feel hunger and you want something to eat it will not brought to your stomach by itself you’ll made meal and then eat it. ‘Keep Calm And Carry On’, he said, and won the war and the hearts. MLK was a communist womanizing Rev whom Jackie Kennedy regarded as a “lowlife”. He built many monuments, temples, and noteworthy buildings in Egypt (the most significant being Ramesseum, Abu Simbel). Master just a few of these techniques and you will be the leader your team deserves. He annexed nearly all of Central Asia and China. Who creates life on Earth?. There are many things that I question as actual history especially in the old testament. So I guess Muhammad is just a crazy person because apparently God doesn’t exist. You can create objective lists. How can you worship pieces of lifeless stone and insult other religions? This is the internet,get used to it. There has to be a balance between your needs and the needs of your team. Also many of the documents written about Jesus have been many many years after his supposed death. Updated June 19, 2019. Tum hindu ne aaj tak yahi tareeka apnaya hai Jesus was probably not a god, but almost all historians believe he exsted. Job = Moses – 1400 B.C. the greatest leader of all time is Jacob lawrence. That is the same with Christianity, do you think the earth was made by God (watchmaker/ creator) or do you think the earth was created accidentally? A leader and a preacher are different. 0. Lincoln headed the country in the American Civil War to abolish slavery and apartheid. He was the messenger of Allah (God) And jesus did existed but not as the son Of God But as the messenger Of God.. Those who says we haven’t seen them I have the answer.. You take a glass of water and put 1 spoon of honey in it And then tell me if you can see honey in it.. $0 $29. Civil disobedience movements, boycotts of foreign goods etc is show he showed his resistance towards the British. His fortes were his foresight, vision and military capabilities. He ascended the throne at the age of 13, and was one of the most successful rulers because of his policies. Learn Leadership from Great Leaders in History. No Jesus or Mohammad? If have evidence why Jesus is a fictional character then I would love to look at it. He was undefeated in battle and succumbed to malaria and died in 323 BC. Go get a life. Secondly to say it is “biologically impossible” is a conclusion based on your axiom, that is that there is no God. Those that remain are truly fascinating. how u were born if God doesn’t exist Dr. King was inspired by Mahatma Gandhi and adopted his non-violent means to end discrimination. This will only make the situation worse. So you cannot know Allah or His last messenge muhammad (P.B.U.H) until you feel them. 8 Aristotle. Enroll Now . He was a revolutionary of the game, inventing the sweeper or libero position. So you cannot know Allah or His last messenge muhammad (P.B.U.H) until you feel them. Jeremiah, Lamentations = Jeremiah – 600 B.C. Santa has changed millions of people lives for the better, he has made many people change their ways! Alexander the Great, or Alexander III of Macedon, is one of the most famous rulers in history who conquered nearly half of the world. 4.khamenei Muhammad (P.B.U.H) was the perfect leader ever.. AD 116), book 15, chapter 44. 15 Julius Caesar. Mao Zedong (also Mao Tse-tung) was the father of the People’s Republic of China. The following is an alphabetic list of world’s greatest leaders, inclusive of all those who enjoyed great power, and also those who strived hard for the betterment of their countrymen. He was a trained doctor and a guerilla warfare leader. You seem to have a lot of faith in your so called biblical scholars. And disrespectfully debating on one’s belief? Thank her for all these immgrants in Europe! Today, he is known as an important champion of Buddhism and he preached the values of Buddhism and the lesson from Buddha’s life  to the people. That jerk Muhammad invented fucking Islam bcause he wanted to become rich,powerful,king of Arab.He fucked as many women as he wanted.Even that 9 year old girl Aisha. 21 Feb , 2021 Hey there! That’s not leadership, it’s terrorism. where is ghengis khan? Although short-lived and short reigned, he is known as the greatest military geniuses of all times. There are some who think there was no historical person and there are some (usually more than half) who think that a historical Jesus existed, but the consensus certainly does not = “it’s silly to think a historical figure that the texts are based on existed.”. Personal Productivity Udemy. Jesus, Muhammad , Buddha was left out on purpose because of debates such as these. Philippians 2vs10-11, I beg your pardon?! Where U.S. Steel had a larger capitalization than the entire U.S. federal government budget in 1901, now a number of companies have greater resources than many nations.Among the 21st century leaders:—Jeff Bezos. “Accustom yourselves to do good if people do good, and to not do wrong even if they commit evil.” (Al-Tirmidhi). WTF ?! He was the messenger of Allah (God) And jesus did existed but not as the son Of God But as the messenger Of God.. Those who says we haven’t seen them I have the answer.. You take a glass of water and put 1 spoon of honey in it And then tell me if you can see honey in it.. Dwight Eisenhower (1890 – 1969) A five star General in the US army, Eisenhower was Supreme Allied Commander for the D-Day invasion of occupied Europe (1944-45). Hosea = Hosea – 750 B.C. bro actually he did bcuz the whole incident has been mentioned in our Holy Book Quran which is purely evidential and not hand written without a doubt.. First you have to argue with the Christians that he wasn’t the son of God born of a virgin&resurrected from death because that’s the “Jesus” they claim existed NOT a human being like Muhammed or Buddha. In the history tome The Tale of Heike, Tomoe was described as "a remarkably strong archer, and as a swordswoman she was a warrior worth a thousand, ready to confront a … !what about DR BABASAHEB BHIMRAO AMBEDKAR he must be in place of gandhi if u dnt really knw bout his efforts u better start reading his biography atleast ud knw how much efforts he made n must let others knw of his greatness n gandhi has no match of him . I don’t understand how is Hitler a great leader? This article is ambiguous as to what or who can be nominated as a leaders in history; as such, it would seem there is no reason why Christ, God or any other should be excluded in consideration for making this list and earning the title of being one of the top 15 greatest leaders. He succeeded Gaius Julius Caesar, defeated Antony and Cleopatra, and became the ruler of Rome. He nationalized the Suez Canal Company in 1956 which led to international Suez Crisis. Genghis Khan formed Mongol empire which was to become one of the greatest empires in the history of the world. Which would suggest that science has not advanced enough to concretely prove one way or the other. The Founding father of The United States Of America, George Washington, is till date one of the greatest leaders that we have ever seen. The greatest leader in all of sports history has to be one Franz Beckenbauer. That’s like saying the gun someone shot someone with is the blame, not the person who pulled the trigger. Just because you don’t believe in his teachings or Christianity doesn’t mean that he did not physically exist and imaginative. The criteria to be a leader may be that they exist. His army never conquered — it liberated. Except we’re only talking about the existence of Jesus and OT doesn’t mention Jesus. I just don’t think he had magical powers and once he was dead he was dead for good. He did the noble deed of unifying many Greek city states. A religious figure is believed in and has their faith/beliefs/rules practiced. Of course, it’s possible the bible itself could just have been a story written by some random person which people then took to be real. But in this everyday normal things of life, sometimes, people who have a different flair and ability to influence a whole lot of other people are born. –The National Geographic Society, “It is not too much to say that it was the rise of the science of archeology that broke the deadlock between historians and the orthodox Christian. He was shrewd and cunning and a person who knew that bigger numbers did not always mean bigger strength. Anywho, a leader is someone who commands a mass of people, has people following them, or controls (depends on their style). It is through any or all forms of existence that which allows us to have a focal point in which to follow/ lead by. You came to the discussion with a bias, not seeking truth. This is a list of ten of those incredibly powerful women. And the greatest leaders are decided upon by what they achieved as a leader and their leadership skills. to decide best we can what or who we accept as real or not real and having existed or not have existed. Just imagine what Hilter could have accomplished if he decided to be good?