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This blog will provide the latest information on activities Dr. Jon Cerny is involved in. Helping School's Share Their Story through Live Streaming + Online Media. Mr. Vrbka will be the instructor. Wakefield vs Ponca @ Lyons 7:30pm Live: Wakefield Community School District. Good luck today to the BRLD JH Girls Basketball teams as they travel to Winnebago for games to start at 4 pm. Striv 5: Volleyball and Softball Preview. This procedure has been done annually at the school for several years and is organized for all Cuming County schools by Cuming County Diversion. Congratulations to Hannah Keller for placing 4th in Informative and Carson Shaw for receiving a Superior in Poetry at the Ainsworth meet on Saturday. This includes Bancroft-Rosalie School education topics and the latest news from the John G. … Dedicated to covering sports for our #strivschools teams, coaches and athletes in Nebraska. Your Sport. The Striv Five for volleyball and softball is BACK and loaded with ranked Nebraska teams in action. On Monday, Feb. 22, Bancroft-Rosalie Community School coordinated with Cuming County Diversion to hold a practice lockdown and canine unit sweep of the building and student parking lot. Girls will be playing sub-districts Tuesday at 5:30 in Bancroft against BRLD. 14 days ago, Schmidt 2:00 – Class A #8 Millard West vs #1 Omaha South | MW Students | Millard West Striv Channel This includes Bancroft-Rosalie School education topics and the latest news from the John G. … Doors will be open to the public there will be no tickets but masks and social distancing will be required. Rock County Public Schools. Good luck today to the TC Bowling team as they take on Howells-Dodge in Pender, starts at 5:30 pm. Your Team. 10:45 – Class D1 #1 BDS vs #8 Bergan | Eric Allgood | Game Replay. All the Coverage. 10:45 – Class B #7 York vs #2 Gretna | David Jinright (York) | York Striv Channel. This blog will provide the latest information on activities Dr. Jon Cerny is involved in. about 10 hours ago, Ashley Leonard. ANNOUNCEMENTS Thursday, January 21, 2021 Good luck today to the BRLD JH Girls Basketball teams as they travel to Winnebago for games to start at 4 pm. Your Sport. Live Feed. All School Board. Your Team. Yesterday at 9:02 AM. All the Coverage. Drivers Education classes will be May 24-May 28, driving to follow in June. Dedicated to covering sports for our #strivschools teams, coaches and athletes in Nebraska. Thursday, January 21, 2021. Good luck today to the TC Bowling team as they take on Howells-Dodge in Pender, starts at 5:30 pm.