positive sales phrases

Keep them in mind on your next call for a little extra drive. “Your attitude, not your aptitude, will determine your altitude.” – Zig Ziglar 54. Motivational sales quote #1 "Allow other people to speak first; the important factor is not who talks… it’s who listens." “I got lucky because I never gave up the search. “There is little success where there is little laughter.” – Andrew Carnegie 90. “Be miserable. 20 Motivational Sales Quote Images to Inspire You. “Don’t let what you cannot do interfere with what you can do.” – John R. Wooden 81. It’s about handling the opportunities right.” – Mark Hunter 49. “In the middle of every difficulty lies opportunity.” – Albert Einstein 50. “Your most unhappy customers are your greatest source of learning.” – Bill Gates, 51. We are not affiliated with Google or Gmail, but I believe we are pretty good friends. They hunger not for information but insight.” –, “Prospects are making their purchase decision based on whether they think you understand their problems and you have the knowledge, resources, and commitment to solving them.” –, “The key is not to call the decision maker. [CDATA[ Success comes in cans, not cant’s . “What you lack in talent can be made up with desire, hustle, and giving 110% all the time.” – Don Zimmer, 72. “Filter everything you’re doing, saying and pitching and you’ll improve just about every metric you care about today.” – Matt Heinz 73. “Don’t watch the clock; do what it does. “The most important single ingredient in the formula of success is knowing how to get along with people.” – Theodore Roosevelt 2. “To build a long-term, successful enterprise, when you don’t close a sale, open a relationship.” – Patricia Fripp 3. “Value the relationship more than the quota.” – Jeff Gitomer 4. “An effective process has the reps thinking in terms of ‘them’ as opposed to ‘us.’“ – Trish Bertuzzi 5. “Assumptions are the termites of relationships.” – Henry Winkler 6. “Be genuinely interested in everyone you meet and everyone you meet will be genuinely interested in you.” – Rasheed Ogunlaru 7. “Before LinkedIn and other social networks, in the sales world, ABC stood for Always Be Closing. 1. Choose at least one channel to follow. “You just can’t beat the person who never gives up.” – Babe Ruth 34. Published 17th November 2020 under Sales. It is about listening, diagnosing and prescribing.” –, “Selling through social channels is the closest thing to being a fly on the wall in your customers, prospects and competitors’ world.” –, “In high-productivity sales organizations, salespeople do not cause customer acquisition growth, they fulfill it.” –, “Successful people ask a lot more questions during sales calls than do their less successful colleagues.” –, “There is no magic to closing. “Beware of monotony; it’s the mother of all deadly sins.” – Edith Wharton, 91. that no one should be “cold” calling anymore – meaning having a name & number, “A clear conscience is a sure sign of a bad memory.”. From dealing with difficult prospects and stiff competition to the pressures of hitting quota, the profession can chip away at your motivation – but only if … Particularly when reaching out to cold contacts, salespeople tend to get more “nos” than “yeses.”. You create them.“ –, “Accountability breeds responsibility.“ –, “Leaders must be close enough to relate to others, but far enough ahead to motivate them.“ –, “Be an example. Here are some of the most positive sales quotes to get your team through a tough patch. The complaining customer represents a huge opportunity for more business.” –, “Killer Salespeople Uncover True Problems Behind Desired Solutions.” –, “If you harness the power of innovation, you’ll convert sales complexity into a brutal competitive advantage.” –, “Success is the sum of small efforts, repeated day in and day out.” – Robert Collier, “Filter everything you’re doing, saying and pitching and you’ll improve just about every metric you care about today.” –, “Leaders must get across the why as well as the what.” –, “If you really look closely, most overnight successes took a long time.” –, “Success is where preparation and opportunity meet.” – Bobby Unser, “If you want to succeed you should strike out on new paths, rather than travel the worn paths of accepted success.” – John D Rockefeller, “Success is a science; if you have the conditions, you get the result.” – Oscar Wilde, “Numbers alone won’t fix anything. – Tiffani Bova. “Today is always the most productive day of your week.”. “Don’t find customers for your products, find products for your customers.”. As sales leaders, we have to set the bar high for ourselves as well as our teams.“ –, “Quality performance (and quality service) starts with a positive attitude.“ –, “Sometimes the most influential thing we can do is listen.“ –, “Stop saying ‘later.’ You WON’T do it later. Say ‘thank you’ to everyone you meet for everything they do for you.” – Brian Tracy 100. “A straightforward way to show buyers that you genuinely like them is to identify something about them that you sincerely appreciate.” – David Hoffeld. Luckily for you, finding and using the magic words is not hard; all you have to do is remember a few simple rules and commit to positive scripting. “We cannot solve our problems with the same thinking we used when we created them.” – Albert Einstein 92. Keep going.” – Sam Levenson 35. It’s about handling the opportunities right.” –, “Remember, people don’t believe it when WE say it, they believe it when THEY say it –, Buyers do business with you, not with your company and not with your technology.” –, “You can’t propose a mutually beneficial business relationship if you can’t understand their business.” –, “You will attract way more buyers if you are offering to teach them something of value to them than you will ever attract by simply trying to sell them your product or service.” – Chet Holmes, “Sales success comes from the right balance of quality human interaction and appropriate use of supplemental tools.” –, “The sales compensation plan is Batman, the sales contest is Robin.” –, “Statistics suggest that when customers complain, business owners and managers ought to get excited about it. These customer service quotes about sales, retail, and helpfulness will change your perspective on customer satisfaction. Are you engaged? At SoloFire, our focus is on providing sales teams around the world with the best sales enablement tools.While most of our time is spent on developing and improving our mobile app to improve the day-to-day life of sales reps, we’ve learned our customers appreciate hearing inspiring and motivational sales quotes. Even the most self-motivated salespeople need some help getting pumped-up sometimes. – Thomas Edison. Act! Do.“ –, “Start working with your prospects as if they’ve already hired you.“ –, “If you’re not making mistakes, then you’re not doing anything.“ –, “Leadership is a choice, not a position.” –, “Opportunities don’t happen. If I missed a quote you find motivational as a salesperson, let me know in the comments! – Seth Godin. Remember! “You don’t close a sale, you open a relationship if you want to build a long-term, successful enterprise.” – Patricia Fripp. Here are some of the best sales motivational quotes Zig Ziglar said that will help you rethink the sales performance, and what sales leaders can take away from them when considering what sales performances mean in 2020. Sales can be an absolute grind. “If you’re offered a seat on a rocket ship, don’t ask what seat! Gmail is a registered trademark of Google. Whatever has to be done, it’s always your choice.” – Wayne Dyer 42. These 39 quotes about sales will inspire you to take control, encourage your team, and remind you why you do what you do - even on your most difficult days. You create them.”. Here are 10 great motivational sales quotes that will help you regain your focus and get back in the game next time you feel like you’re in a slump. “Work until your bank account looks like a phone number.”. 31 Inspirational Quotes to Motivate Your Sales Team this Month. – Jim Rohn. Stop wishing, start doing . 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What your process is matters. Here are 20 of our favourite sales quotes. 50 Motivational Sales Quotes You Haven’t Heard Yet. Below are motivational sales quotes that demonstrate the importance of attitude. 99 Sales Quotes To Keep You Inspired & Hitting Quota. “Today is always the most productive day of your week.”. They can get them to listen to you, like you, and buy from you. Words such as “fantastic”, “great”, “marvellous” are very positive words and can really inject some energy into a telephone conversation.