neurodivergent vs neurotypical

And culture affects these things, too. They aren’t exchangeable. Neurotypical bears the same sort of relationship to neurodivergent that straight bears to queer. But while these are more common among autistic people than nonautistic (or “neurotypical”) people, they aren’t actually symptoms of autism. As adjectives the difference between neurodivergent and neurotypical is that neurodivergent is having an atypical neurological configuration while neurotypical is having a normal way of processing sensory, linguistic, and social information; used especially to contrast with autistic. Neurodivergent is an antonym of neurotypical. This is not a proper diagnosis, so don't act like it is. People whose minds and brains function in a way that’s considered “normal”, aka neurotypical people, are privileged in relation to neurodivergent people. Imagine a hypothetical case whereby a neurotypical … Neurotypical can be used as either an adjective (“He’s neurotypical”) or a noun (“He’s a neurotypical”). Neurotypicality is the condition from which neurodivergent people diverge. Neurodiversity is a concept that’s been around for a while. Neurodivergent and neurotypical brains all deserve to have a world that works for them, where they are allowed and supported to thrive. So conditions like ADHD and autism aren’t “abnormal.” They’re simply variations of the human brain. Autism is an example of natural variation. In a nutshell, it means that brain differences are just that: differences. In fact, we know that autism and ADHD are largely genetic in origin, something between 50-90%. Despite some differences in social cues, we believe that neurotypical and “neurodivergent people” have many of the same opportunities and capacity for success, even if it means taking a different approach. – face social oppression. The neurodiversity movement has historically been led by and composed of autistic and other neurodivergent advocates and activists, with little involvement from neurotypical stakeholders. Neurodivergent is a word that describes people that don't have a "typical" mental state such as people with depression, anxiety, ADHD, autism, schizophrenia, psychosis, bipolar, eating disorders, etc. Neurotypical is the opposite of neurodivergent. Neurodivergent people – who have neurological differences such as but not limited to autism dyslexia, developmental coordination disorder, or ADHD. Neurodivergent means that the individual may or may not be autistic or allistic, but is not neurotypical. Neurotypical bears the same sort of relationship to neurodivergent that straight bears to queer.” Other Words Associated with Neurodiversity Along with the neurodiversity definitions above, the team started keeping a list of words associated with neurodiversity to help our clients write more inclusive job descriptions. A neurotypical person is an individual who thinks, perceives, and behaves in ways that are considered to be "normal" by the general population. Neurotypical people are those individuals who do not have a diagnosis of autism or any other intellectual or developmental difference. Moreover, it is at least conceptually feasible that someone could become neurodivergent due to a hostile environment. Differences between Neurotypical Teens vs Autistic Teens.