how did miep gies betray the franks

I’ll add to the other responses that there were members of the Dutch Underground that supplied the Franks, van Pels family and Fritz Pfeffer with ration books and coupons to obtain sugar, oil, or margarine. Practically everyone that had anything to do with the betrayal was interrogated after the war, without producing any definitive answer to the question, 'Who betrayed the occupants of the Secret Annex on Prinsengracht 263? When two new bicycles arrived from England for Otto Frank, one was for himself and the other was for Miep. What was one important thing … In den folgenden Jahren stieg die Gefahr durch die Nationalsozialisten stetig, und das nicht am Krieg beteiligte Königreich der Niederlande wurde 1940 von deutschen Truppen besetzt. Prinsengracht 263, May 1941, with (from left to right) Victor Kugler, Bep Voskuijl Miep Gies & 2 staff membersDuring the period that the families Frank and Van Pels were in hiding, Victor Kugler and Johannes Kleiman ran Otto Frank's company. Which answer best paraphrases the central idea of this excerpt? Anne Frank's biographer Melissa Müller first pointed to Lena Hartog as possible betrayer, in her 1998 book Anne Frank, The biography. In all sorts of ways, he tried to establish whether people had entered the stockroom in the evening or during the night. That way I can talk to you about my family if I want. It could be that a number of persons suspected the presence of the hiders, and that a number of persons involved with the Prinsengracht address knew each other, but this does not add up to any form of evidence. I simply had no choice. She insists that she just did what seemed necessary and that she wasn’t a heroine at all but that’s of course exactly what she was. That first tentative publication was the first of many, and it is currently estimated that some 25 million people around the world have read the diary. Proof that Otto Frank had returned to the Netherlands from Auschwitz and was staying with Miep and Jan Gies, first in Hunzestraat and later in JekerstraatAfter some time, Jan, Miep and Otto left the rooms that they rented from Mrs. Stoppelman in Hunzestraat, moving in with Jan's sister Fenna who lived just a bit further up the street. On the other hand, his eager inquisitiveness was very striking. Frank was born Annelies or Anneliese Marie Frank on 12 June 1929 at the Maingau Red Cross Clinic in Frankfurt, Germany, to Edith (née Holländer) and Otto Heinrich Frank.She had an older sister, Margot. In simple words Miep Gies evokes the terrible years of the German occupation of the Netherlands and tells about her friendship with the Frank familiy, her help in keeping them alive in their hiding place and their ultimate betrayal. Questions about Miep's Life. The latter declared later to have had just a suspicion. Finally, Lena said that she feared for her husband, who worked in a place where Jews were hiding. After Mr. Kleiman's return, Miep and he walked to the office and home again together, every day. My heart melted. Austrian declaration of non-Jewish descent of Miep Gies, Staying the night, according to Miep Gies, Staying the night, according to Anne Frank, Grumbling about the heat according to Anne, Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported License. The Secret Annex had been betrayed, but by who? With them are those who helped hide the Franks: Johannes Kleiman, back left, Victor Kugler and Elizabeth Voskuijl. Click here to see a video excerpt in which Miep Gies recounts the day of the arrest. Miep Gies, shelterer of the Frank family, died on January 11th, aged 100 In 1941, when Miep married her Dutch boyfriend, Jan Gies, the Franks gave the happy couple a reception in the office. In 1933, Hermine Santruschitz began working for Opekta, a European spice and pectin company that specialized in manufacturing jam. Their names were Victor Kugler, Johannes Kleiman, Bep Voskuijl, Johannes Hendrik Voskuijl, Jan Gies and Miep Gies. An Indiana teacher who used a much lauded bestseller, The Freedom Writers Diary, to try to inspire under-performing high-school students has been suspended from her job without pay for 18 months. (...) Each day was just another day on the Prinsengracht, the long walk back to our River Quarter punctuated by feelings of faintness and waves of nausea, Jo Koophuis beside me.