biological factors of serial killers

Serial sexual homicide is what we usually refer to when we use the term serial killer. As we have established, the development of a serial killer relies on a complex interaction between biological, environmental, and genetic factors. A few such examples emerged from my study of full-length biographies of murderers, which now number 350. The percentage of serial killers within each race and gender category included in the study was taken from current serial killer demographic statistics between 1950 and 2010. The researchers in this study conduct a meta-analysis of relevant literature including academic studies and legal sources in order to assess the "complex interaction of biological, psychological, and sociological factors" that contribute to the making of a serial killer (p. 288). Holmes and Holmes (2010) defined a serial killer as an individual killing three or more people, while Dyer (1997) emphasized the serial nature of the killings: "Serial killers kill serially: one murder after another, each a variation and continuation of those before, each an episode in a serial… h. What types of things are often used by criminologists to build an accurate profile? ... Several serial killers sustained a serious head injury as a child. By Brittani J Oldham Reliability, validity, and utility of criminal profiling typologies Even though it is reiterated throughout life and things like religion and punishment, why would someone still kill multiple times? SoA. While it is safe to recognize abuse as a factor contributing to the making of a serial killer, most people who face abuse do not become serial killers. For serial killers it is much more important. This is a bid to apply the existing theories of violence, hostility, aggression, and criminality in general, to the incidents of serial murder. In order to begin this critical review and analysis of literature related to the criminal mind of serial killers it is important to begin with an understanding of the It talks a little bit about the differences between female and male serial killers but it also addresses different factors of a serial killer. However, serial killers’ sexual fantasies had not been explored. Serial killers are on an increased and it is concerning that we are entering a serial killer epidemic. The question remains whether it is inherent, genetic factors that form a serial killer or whether it is the environment in which that individual has been reared. After reviewing the evidence, it is reasonable to suggest that there is not one singular cause of serial killing, rather a variety of social, biological and cognitive 3 factors and that can cause someone to be susceptible or expedite the process of becoming a serial killer. 'serial killer' (Lefebvre, 2005). Theories include biological predispositions, sociological influences and psychological factors. There is evidence that John Wayne Gacy, the ‘Killer Clown’, Gary Ridgeway, the ‘Green River Killer’ and Ed Gein, the notorious American serial killer, all suffered abuse as children which may have impacted their violent behavior as adults. The analyses highlight similarities in behavioural events across the serial killers’ lives, indicating not only which risk factors occur, but the temporal order of these factors. The most serial killings have occurred in California. Early explanations relied on biological explanations of criminality. The Making of a Serial Killer: A literature study into the effects of Cognitive, Biological and Social psychological factors in serial killing. Part 2: Power Point: Research specific questions about your serial killer: For your second of an integrated approach, with elements from all three key academic stances; biological, psychological, and sociological approaches to analyse and explain both behaviour and personality of serial killers. The complex behavior of serial killers, whether organized, disorganized, or mixed, can understood by looking at their motivational factors, which can be biological, psychological, or cognitive. Biological Positivism. Some of history's most notorious serial killers, Leonard Lake, David Berkowitz (a.k.a. Some experts say genetics play a role and others argue that it is the environment that an individual grows up in that makes one become a serial killer. Serial Killer Brain vs Normal Brains Previous research has indicated that childhood abuse could be a factor in psychopathic killers. WHAT ARE THE PSYCHOLOGICAL AND BIOLOGICAL EXPLANATIONS BEHIND SERIAL KILLERS? The interaction between biological and environmental factors can be catalyzed by a hostile environment, increasing the risk for the development of aggressive behavior. "The Son of Sam"), Kenneth Bianchi, John Wayne Gacy, and Carl Panzram, all suffered childhood head trauma (1) . The main environmental factors were: child abuse, poverty, crime and antisocial behavior in childhood, while the highest level of evidence was related to early neglect. Stratified sampling based on race and gender was used to identify thirty-six serial killers for this study. Educated guesses have been proposed on the biological explanation of why serial killings occur and criminologists have found that fear is the greatest motivator for serial killers. Introducing a new factor that is not really known, biological reasoning could be the main reason behind someone becoming a serial killer. 4. The purpose of this qualitative descriptive phenomenological study was to understand how sexual fantasies influence serial killers’ violent behavior. Several different serial killers were compared to assess the similarities and differences between their histories, crimes, and personalities. In these cases, where the individual lacks social risk factors that "push" them towards antisocial behavior, biological factors have a greater explanatory role. Biological factors focus more on genetically influences and also environmental influences. The nature versus nurture argument has many historical foundations and numerous supporters on both ends of the spectrum. including environmental, biological, and mental disposition factors. These names can simply describe every type of serial killer in the world. Based on the evidence presented one can concluded that serial killers are not just influenced by predestined genes, but also environmental and developmental influences.Serial killers are motivated by both of these factors which include the genetics and chemical components of their brains also the environmental and developmental influences these serial killers have in their lives. Sep 4, 2010 @ 1:13 pm. The biosocial theory of crime looks at the interaction of biological and social factors that lead a person toward criminal behavior. There are murderers in the annals of crime who have no obvious sexual motif, yet who kill repeatedly and seemingly compulsively. Furthermore, there are biological factors that also play a significant role in determining one’s behaviour Neurophysiology has uncovered neurological and physical abnormalities that may begin as early as the prenatal stage in some humans. Nature nurture debate is the most essential phenomenon in psychology. I didn't read all of it yet but i read most of it. Through years of profiling serial killers, experts have begun to identify key traits that many have in common. LAURA GRIFFITHS Conclusions PSYCHOLOGICAL EXPLANATIONS Ted Bundy BIOLOGICAL EXPLANATIONS My project CHALLENGING EXAMPLES Successes Failures How my project has helped me Born or … Psychological factors focus on conditions mentally and disorders. Criminality was not a result of sociological factors or social inequalities, but rather of biological inferiority. However, these notions of a serial killer are not validated since every serial killer has a different reason for killing multiple victims and that depends on his/her experiences and history. According to Michael Stone who has a Ph. In the late 19th century the idea existed that criminality was something essential to the nature of the criminal himself/herself. Many serial killers have been labeled with some sort of … Not only nature side of the serial killer but also nurture side is important. The research indicates that both environmental and biological factors affect the development of psychopathy. This … Introducing a new factor that is not really known, biological reasoning could be the main reason behind someone becoming a serial killer. Serial Killers are affected by both biology and environment. Our findings tentatively indicate that these extreme forms of violence may be a result of a highly complex interaction of biological, psychological and sociological factors and that, potentially, a significant proportion of mass or serial killers may have had neurodevelopmental disorderssuch as autism spectrum disorder or head injury. Describe the biological and environmental factors connected to serial killer behavior. For this theory of crime to be plausible, it must make a few simple assumptions about humanity. In fact, individuals understand that fear is a powerful emotion and thus violence makes each and every one of us fearful. 10 In contrast, the link between antisocial behavior and biological risk factors in those from negative home environments may be weaker because social causes of crime "camouflage" the biological contribution. Experts who study serial killers have found they show a severe lack of empathy. proposed etiological factors within serial killer case histories. Even though it is reiterated throughout life and things like religion and punishment, why would someone still kill multiple times? In the future, we hope new technology will provide accurate screenings on genetic predisposition and a person’s likelihood of becoming a serial killer to enable more successful prevention. Serial killers' focus is entirely on themselves and the power they are able to assert over others. Recipe for a Serial Killer Criminal Behavioral Analysis Abstract.