biblical feast days 2021

according to the order of their camps were they dispersed. In summary, the wave sheaf offering represents the resurrected Messiah going before the Father for us, becoming our High Priest. He who is not for Me is against Me. All Jews and Messianic and Sabbath keepers have never observed the correct feast days because they have not observed the barley to determine the accuracy of when Passover falls. Thank you for your question, Anton. Just ask the Lord so that your keeping of this Holy Day will according to the Lord’s will and you will not get into a ritual. Am a believer of the Most High. Worship and study as a church group should be on Friday evening, the beginning of Sabbath. My fellow Sabbath keeper SHALLOM.. All praise to the most high for his people who are guardian over the commandments an the order love this site keep up the tov word.excellent. Ask YHVH to share his deeper truths with you directly vs. seeking it from a specific denomination. 23:36. Read this. Shalom, Yes, keep the commandments. Continue in your “curiosity” for Him. The only laws he completely fulfilled are those related to the priesthood, as our once-and-for-all sacrificial lamb (Heb. The biblical sabbath is not fixed on Saturday but changes every month depending on which day is the new moon. Here’s how these four different Hebrew Calendars mark the time as of sunset, March 18, 2018: Fast of the 17th of Tammuz - June 27, 2021. If you do a search on the word “covenant” in the Bible, you will find very specific covenants the Lord made with specific people, that carry on to this day, each one building on the previous ones. The Spring feasts were all fulfilled in the first coming of Jesus. This precious gift can not be purchased with good deeds, but is the most Holy, unspeakable gift of God. The day of atonement speaks of two events: (1) the day the anti-Christ becomes the abomination that brings desolation, and steps in to the temple and declares himself to be God. Keep doing what you’re doing, yes a bible is fine. “To you” also means you and me today. thanks for the updates. HOLY DAYS. Jan 5, 2021 - Explore Douglas Shelton's board "Biblical Feasts" on Pinterest. In the beginning the earth was in darkness and G-d said let their be light and it was so. Thank you for your kind note. We have forgiveness of sins by repentance, believing and obedience of Yeshua. Why would we not be able to keep them now? When you enter Yerushalem the gates have the names of the sons of Yakob and the foundation the names of the disciples of YAHSHUA. I feel foggy – headed with it all, if you know what I mean!! I’m of Hispanic descent I was told I could only keep noahide laws but something is drawing me strongly to keep God’s laws and we love honoring the Sabbath,please someone help me on what to do thank you. Clear, I am so thankful to have clicked this precious site. This sermon is intended to be watched on the Day of Atonment. I am an Apostle of the Remnant Assembly of F.YHWH. Are we followers of the way by Yeshua who was a Jew, lived and obeyed Torah? I think many Christians are confused on the points you raised – I know I was for many years. How have you done it? – except for the Day of Atonement, which is traditionally a fast day. It’s no wonder it’s confusing! Day of Atonement; Feast of Tabernacles “These are the feasts of [Yahuwah], holy convocations which you shall proclaim at their appointed times.” (Leviticus 23:4) No difference is made in Scripture between the weekly feast, and the yearly feasts. My first year or two of observing the feasts, the feast days were mostly spent studying what each one was about as it came up. He gave the Sun to rule the day and the moon to rule the night. We’re not required right now to follow any but those who keep the weekly Sabbath holy will be blessed of God. There was no Gregorian calendar when YHVH sanctified the 7th day as the Sabbath in Genesis and Exodus. This year that is December 12-20 on the Gregorian calendar. For instance When you are in South Africa the Time is Not the Same As When You are Anywhere in The United States of America, When the SUN SETS in South Africa, in America THE SUN RISES. At the end of the sixth millennium the Messiah will grant the gift of eternal life – the Age of Life to all who believe and obey Him.”. This past spring there were conflicting reports about aviv..was it earlier or later. If all believers practice Ps. 23:42 says we are to “live” in them, so do what you can reasonably do, sleeping or waking, it’s all “living.” But, yes, offerings and a tabernacle are both instructed. A good way to determine a true Messianic congregation is one that observes the Sabbath on Saturdays and also acknowledges Yeshua as Lord. While I, too, am amazed at how far the church has veered from its roots, many have also been brought to Jesus – and eventually to a Messianic understanding – through the church. For replies please email me to : In 1190 the Crusaders (professed Christians) went through Jerusalem and killed Jews, and the Karaite Jews by the thousands. Jtdy, I want tn encourage you that you can be healed completely of the Multiple Myeloma by the blood of Yahshua Messiah. Hannukah this year is Dec. 12-20 starting at sundown. I have just discovered that the 7 th day sabbath is determined from the moon cycle and not from the continuosly cycling papal/ pagan / Gregorian week which fixes the Sabbath on Saturday. But we are encouraged to labor to enter in via faith, that all has been accomplished through the work of Jesus, and that God is faithful. 1 point (100% upvoted) shortlink: remember me reset password. I had a service covering the Jewish feasts and how we can enter into a deeper relationship with Jesus. – You can download a free PDF or read sections online. And, what you said to Judy about the wonderful things we long for in this life, which can’t provide or satisfy, will be fully realized in Yeshua’s presence. 2021 HOLY DAYS AND NEW MOONS CALENDAR by Avram Yehoshua The Seed of Abraham The dates listed are the actual days of the event. I also discerned God really speaking to me as one of reasons I drifted from faith was having grown up fatherless with alot of problems I could not reconcile myself to the teaching of being content with our circumstances only to wait and be happy in heaven, I thought that was very unfair of God as a father to allow us to suffer on earth only to go to be happy in heaven so I told him I cannot accept that and I “left” the faith. Whether you believe Yeshua rose on Saturday or Sunday, the command to observe the Feast of Firstfruits in Ex. Here are the feast days true Chistians should be following. Aside from my earthly husband, Jesus is the best thing that has happened to me in my life-time! The calendar used by Jews was lunar. Go back and read the book of numbers chapter 2 ) order of the tribes . I’ll have 2016 dates posted soon. Note: the blood is to be poured on the ground. I’m try to follow the Torah this is something new for me . I lost my mom a year ago Easter. It is the same word used in Leviticus 23 to describe the feasts and holy days that God commanded Moses and the children of Israel to observe. Christi, What you said about “staying in his rhythm” resonated with me. The creators of this program applied man’s rules to every date, even to the dates in the B.C. Which information are you wanting Bible references for that you are not finding? Would you be able to share for our readers how widespread the Messianic faith is in the Philippines? The Astronomically and Agriculturally Corrected Biblical Hebrew Calendar The Biblical Hebrew Calendar This one-of-a-kind calendar uses data from NASA and pinpoint-accurate biblical history to calculate time the way Yeshua did — according to YeHoVaH’s original reckoning of time… not a man-made system! Great insights, Stella. It is wonderful to see God calling his followers closer by his side through the Sabbath and the Feasts. Yeah same here. Shalom…..!! I read about my fellow brethren opinions and contributions about this divine tradition Torah and the holy day Shabbat, is very interesting and i bless the name of the holy one of Yisrael YHWH for this wonderful work, May His name YHWH be praised forever. Jesus came not to abolish the law but to fullfill it. * here but this is really too serious I could cry with frustration !!…. thank you for listening. That is the position of the day in the week, not the name of the day. Good question, Henry. There are those who do not like their Jewish religion . and how does the outpouring we witness in Acts on Pentecost relate to this year’s Pentecost? May YHVH continue to bless you and unite us all as we pursue his truth together. May the blowing of the trumpets always remind you of rebirth at the coming of our Messiah. It is helpful to keep a Messianic Hebrew calendar on hand. Your comment is so on point, thanks for sharing. Imagine from YHVH’s perspective every hour of the 24 a new group of people is dedicating that day to Him. Exodus 23:16 “also keep the feast of the harvest of the first fruits of your labors, of what you sow in the field ; and the feast of the harvest at the end of the year when pick up from the field the fruit of your work. Like Joshua said, “but I and my house, we will serve YHWH”. . Feast of Unleavened Breads: April 20-27, 2019 The dates are determined using lunar phase software. Sukkot for the year 2021 starts on the evening of Monday, September 20th ending the 7 day festival on sundown Monday, September 27th.The festival in Israel lasts for 6 days ending at sundown on Sunday, September 26th.For the Jewish calendar night begins before day, thus the holiday or festival begins on the sunset of the previous day. You will need to seek God for guidance. Where I used to ask God to get me through each hour, now I have been nudged by His Spirit to ask for more of Him…more of Him… in all my hours. Sincerely, Hello Stella, I recommited my life to God, got baptised by immersion at the River Jordan on the Day of Firstfruits Bukkrim and since then Ive had an amazing journey of faith. Well the first would be the offerings of Cain and Abel. The infilling of the Holy Spirit That might be an easy way for your group to learn about them together without going to a lot of extra work. In Leviticus 23:9-14 it is established as the day the Israelites bring the first of their produce from the first crop of the year to the temple as an offering. It helps tremendously. And nothing leavened shall be eaten. There are other correct ways to reckon the dates. I observe it by meditating on the implications of Jesus’ resurrection and by bringing an offering of my resources to God. 2021 Biblical Calendar JANUARY FEBRUARY MARCH APRIL ... 2021) New Moon Day Feast of Trumpets (Oct. 8, 2021) Passover (April 27, 2021) Day of Atonement (October 17, 2021) Feast of Unleavened Bread (4/28-5/4) Feast of Tabernacles (10/22-10/28) First Fruits (May 2, 2021) Last Great Day (October 29, 2021) 24 31 24 31. Do you wish to be enslaved by them all over again? Jesus and all the Apostles kept the Commandments, Feast Days, Holy Days and the Sabath which is friday night to saturday night. I observe all those commanded in Lev. day one. Many proclaimed 2015 was a Jubilee year, and made all these predictions only to be embarrassed when the year was over. Asked a pastor the reason Christianity accepted paganism Father and Son worship the same way. 55:8-9 “For my thoughts are not your thoughts, and your ways are not my ways,” says Adonai. I am looking to celebrate His appointed Feasts here. No, they are witnessing about the same thing – THE WORD – YAHSHUA Ha MESHIACH. This shows you that you cannot love the 2nd witness (New Covenant) and hate the 1st (Old Covenant) or try to divide them. Not to serve idols ( other God’s) first commandment. Sorry, your blog cannot share posts by email. I have a thirst to observe what Jehovah has set for me to know and observe. Don’t let your ‘grace’ cause you to miss the mark. Mathew, We are not living in “The Land” yet, so we are remembering and rehearsing the days on Yehovah’s calendar. On that day I’d pray for God to show me what the Feast was about, and of course read any references to that Feast from the Bible. Remember that God loves them and put the desire for them in your heart. Over the years we have had a Friday night gathering for praise, prayer and Bible study in homes. There is great blessing in walking the straight path into the narrow to the LORDS throne. This one is being done in the slaughter houses everyday sold to the groucers stores and people buy the meat in groucery stores every day not knowing that it is strangled meat. tanx a lot. Last Great Day. 7:19 says, “Circumcision is nothing and uncircumcision is nothing. first by their banner ( flag ) the lion – East hemisphere = Judah , Issachar, Zebulon. We must keep the Sabbaths of F.YHWH because HE commanded so, including HIS Statutories, these statutories put YAHSHUA as the centre and the centrality.