am i schizoid reddit

Schizophrenia occurs, Laing believed when the private self split again (secondary split) due to starvation of real contact. They may often prefer to spend time with themselves rather than socialize or be in a group of people. Sure, whatever. Spring and summer have always caused my emotions to spike and become severely worse than regular. 3 Minute Schizoid Test Based on the work of Dr. Octav Sorin Candel, Ph.D. With schizoids emotional background is mostly the same so you never feel unwelcome, truly. Children make me very uncomfortable; I have no idea how to interact with them. I wouldn't call it SPD, I'd call them schizoid traits, the "D" in SPD is literally the word "disorder", which implies distress and impaired functioning. Can handle emergencies? An schizoid may believe they're not jealous but they may also have never been in an scenario where jealously happens, as we have attachment issues. (similar to number 1: feels good, but is it really good?). I'm a lot tidier than I used to be, but no one would ever mistake me for a neat freak if they saw how I live. They will often, however, form close bonds with animals. Reliable - I don't know about this, I don't know enough people for anyone to rely on me, that might be true for other schizoids too. On this subreddit, we learn about, share, and generally discuss all things relating to SPD. And there are plenty. Somehow they will tag along (if you are their friend and you don't do that too often). You'll never be sure about that with an schizoid, we think pretty much all the time so there's always thoughts of all kinds going on. (11) Minimalists. I'm not sure why this happens but it's quite debilitating and infuriating exhausting. There's also extreme withdrawal, blunt borderline emotionally abusive remarks, no friends, weird vibe, feeling like you are akin to a living room sofa to them at times etc. Like Klein, Kernberg believes that narcissism is a last ditch effort (defence) to halt the emergence of the paranoid-schizoid position described by Klein. It's why they like spontaneous creative partners and friends more, they keep them entertained. A person with schizoid personality disorder often has difficulty expressing emotions and does so typically in very restricted range, especially when communicating with others. Can handle emergencies - Yeah, I pretty much never freak out over major emergencies. Remember that this is a disorder for many, and not a perk to exploit. I'll grant that I might be viewing this through the lens of my own experiences a bit too much, since I have been this friend before, and it really sucks (especially since there was never any hint of reciprocity on their part). In other words: every one of these traits has two sides of the coin. Welcome to r/Schizoid! The disorder severely impairs my ability to form and maintain relationships. Sure, if I agree to something, I will do it, but if I agreed to it in the first place it is because I made a cost vs benefit decision that landed that way. Don't show jealousy (or not jealous) - yes. I am just an asshole schizoid aparently. We use cookies on our websites for a number of purposes, including analytics and performance, functionality and advertising. Let you be the crazy oneYou are always free to plan the craziest of ideas with schizoids. Schizoid personality disorder is a pattern of indifference to social relationships, with a limited range of emotional expression and experience. Maybe my perception is off because it's an emotionally hard time for me. Won't happen if you are dating a schizoid. However, these individuals are basically just putting on a show when they are in public. FaithfulLovers? Being always available has this as positive for you, but it may be negative for them because time slips through your fingers fast if you don't do anything. Posts must be related to Schizoid Personality Disorder, No advertising without moderator permission, Press J to jump to the feed. I respect many of the pwSPD who left comments on this thread and always appreciate their personal insights into this disorder, but I disagree that you cannot tell. He observes that narcissists are already grandiose and schizoid (detached, cold, aloof, asocial) at an early age (when they are three years old, according to him!). Detail-orientedIf you want to get something done properly with very careful attention to details, ask schizoid to do that. Assuming they care about you a bit more than they care about your living room sofa. Differentiating between schizoid vs. schizotypal personality disorder can be challenging. (3) Being detail oriented may be the expression of an obsession. Schizoid personality disorder is a mental health disorder effecting someone’s experience of emotions and connection to others. I get why people do it, but I’ll never understand how. Does not enjoy social or family relationships 7. There's a wide difference from how people perceive schizoids rather than what they are actually thinking. I know you've mentioned in the beggining that you're friends with high-functioning ones, so maybe you could share what they struggle with? But then again, if you're relating closely to someone like that and they enjoy your company, they may have an internal trouble (that you'll never notice, yet again) with not being able to be with you when they want to. (10) "Don't complain". Also I generally will not be disappointed about canceled plans. This might be an unrelated similarity among your group of friends, rather than an innately schizoid trait. Best knowledge on what to do in certain scenarios comes from having had a social life, and if you haven't you may not know what you should do in those occasions. Let you be the crazy one - I generally like weird people, so that is probably one of those things that just happens. For example, I stopped being in touch with some of my friends because... well, I just felt "dead inside"? Schizoid personality disorder is characterized by disconnection, emptiness, and strained relationships with others. I would never cheat on my SO. He also gives the most detailed and thought through answers. Depends per person. Schizoid personality disorder is an uncommon condition in which people avoid social activities and consistently shy away from interaction with others. Can handle emergenciesBest person to have around when you have a fire of other emergency like that. On the down side, they'll probably never be able to forgive if their partner cheat and likely won't be open to things like open relationships and polyamory. I am a chronic pile organizer and I like things, but I am easy to get along with. I am detail oriented but when I inolve others in some perfectionsim I have, I make them miserable and sometimes they forfeit what they were desiring because I may tell them it's no good if it's not done in the best of fashions. They feel comfortable and safe around kids and kids love them. Don't feel like spending Saturday out or meeting people? Welcome to r/Schizoid! Don't make you feel unwelcome - Depends on the situation. Then again, I grew up in an area that's prone to natural disasters, so maybe I'm just immune to panicking. I think you have some misconceptions. Don't make you feel unwelcome? You're somewhat correct, though there seems to be a fundamental misunderstanding here about the "split" nature of schizoids. First, I want to start off by saying that I’m not a mental health professional. Anhedonia is a pain, causes schizoids to feel bored very quickly. Those with the disorder often find comfort in solitary activities and rarely have any social contacts (e.g. In laypeople … They also have a limited range of emotional expression.If you have schizoid personality disorder, you may be seen as a loner or dismissive of others, and you may lack the desire or skill to form close personal relationships. Will also require lots of space. (1) May be great with kids as a parent, sure. Good with kids? This will also make the first time jealousy happens a pretty bad time for the schizoid, as normal people get acquianted with that emotion early on in life and learn to deal with it, but an schizoid may only find out they're jealous too late into a friendship or relationship (because they don't really 'speak their mind' as much as you think, yet again). Minimalists - depends per person, generally less personal stuff, no photos or iconography. Will give you spaceIf you need space yourself, they'll give you as much space as you need. I feel like taking care of myself is hard enough. Why. Most times, yes, but if there is drama it may be big as we're prone to have some psychotic breaks now and then. Secret kids? Pain. While this person usually functions in everyday life, they don’t tend to participate in society, which impacts their experience of life. Infrequent participation in activities for fun or pleasure 4. (2) May be reliable, but the schizoid may also burden the other part with being too available for help, as the schizoid may be taking care of others because they don't take care of themselves, and at some point you may not be able to reciprocate that for the friendship to survive. Sure, but as you argue, is it because they value you, or because they have no value system and everyone is alright? Laing, who was sympathetic to Reichian ideas, proposed that the schizoid condition arises from a basic split between a a minimal public self and a private (real) self. I always develop dread in january-march/april because I know that spring and summer are coming and I've survived it for this long but still it's horrifying and it makes me want to die. friends) outside of first-degree relatives. I won't bother woth other one. Say what they thinkIf they don't want to see you, they'll say "no". Your schizoid roommate will always make you a cup of tea or go to the pharmacy. Problem is that I also get irritated sharing my space with others and the less I am able to be myself, the worse it is. Let me know what you think. Sometimes I get burnt out on helping people altogether, and just pretend I'm not available. Detail-oriented - This is true, though sometimes I am bit too detail-oriented and that can be annoying for myself and others. Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts. It's been well observed that schizoids have trouble saying no to people. True, but I'm also plenty creative (I'm an artist). Say what they think - depends to what capacity they know you know about them. So she didn’t deserve a bracelet with my family name engraved on it (her locket had her name and my last name, because she wanted to change her name). Don't make you feel unwelcome - Very much disagree here. Reliable? Schizoid personality disorder (often abbreviated as SPD or SzPD) is a personality disorder characterized by a lack of interest in social relationships, a tendency toward a solitary or sheltered lifestyle, secretiveness, emotional coldness, detachment and apathy. Faithful - No. Don't make you feel unwelcomeWith "normal" people - sometimes they are happy to see you, and sometimes they are not. I don't understand. Yes, I would agree to that. All those people fit SPD description pretty well, but they are well functioning members of society with jobs (and some with romantic relationships even). May be very jealous, for an example, because schizoids want to be a single unit good at everything, and they may not be able to handle that someone looks for what they can't provide in someone else. You say "well functioning in society" which doesn't mark one criteria, but the distress may be hidden. Like being helpful - yes. (13) Not jealous. People with schizoid personality disorder (SPD) are generally not interested in developing close relationships and will actively avoid them. I … I've never related with a group of people so hard and quickly in my life before, not even with the ADHD people. Don't complain? A person with this disorder may appear to lack a desire for intimacy, and will avoid close relationships with others. Not going to go out of my way to create drama (too much work), but I can be vindictive at times and know how easy it is to verbally hurt people. I'll give you that one. My schizoid teammate is the one who we can always rely on to reply to this customer request that fell through cracks. Don't show jealousy (or not jealous)? Growing up i was always the real fucked up kid that other kids parents were glad that they didnt turn out like me. Don't show jealousy (or not jealous)They probably don't care enough to break into your email/phone, assuming there are no real reasons to be jealous. Say what they think? It's a very real component of SPD. Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts, Diagnosed. You have very nice schizoids in your life. If an schizoid told you what they think for real you'd have to get a weekend off. Schizoid personality disorder is characterized by a long-standing pattern of detachment from social relationships. For other people, probably not unless they explicitly start talking about it. Often described as cold, uninterested, withdrawn, and aloof 6. Individuals diagnosed with schizoid personality disorder can have 'covert' symptoms. Eye Test Identifies People with Schizophrenia. I mean, all the traits you've described can be part of being a normal person. Sure, I may be attentive to a friend's needs, but inside I resent the fact that I'll never be on equal footing with them emotionally. They express little interest in intimacy, sexual or otherwise, and endeavor to spend most of their time alone. Don't show jealousy (or not jealous) - Don't often show, sure, but I've felt it. The Schizoid Personality Disorder Test is based on the diagnostic criteria of SPD Use the results to decide if you need to see a doctor or other mental health professional to further discuss diagnosis and possible treatment of Schizoid Personality Disorder. To the point it's futile to even attempt abstractions. Doesn't mean I am always up for some kind of weird adventure or anything. I've observed that people take a lot of liberties that I couldn't fathom taking, and it always leaves a bad taste in my mouth after awhile. It would be horrible to hear that. Anguish. The issue, however, is that what someone schizoid perceives as good may not fit what's good for non-schizoid people. Schizoid personality disorder is characterized by an extreme lack of interest in social activities and a simultaneous state of emotional apathy. Actually being crazy might get you different results though. Note that we are meeting once in X months, so they don't have the chance to feel overwhelmed by me. (12) "Let you be the crazy one". Schizoids who engage in romantic relationships can often be "serial monogamists," since it allows them the opportunity to have short-term intimate engagements without the intimacy part. Just tends to pass quickly unless I am stressed for other reasons. You are the second person mentioning that "if you knew what schizoids really think..." that it would be hard. (Caveat: I'm not high-functioning, so maybe I shouldn't even be answering this, but fuck it. They're irritating and generally have nothing interesting to say. But apparently this is what friendship is: people just imposing on each other constantly. Faithful - Also pretty true. Someone who is schizoid will rarely divulge how they truly feel to anyone, and what they do tell you is often very different from the reality. Im the most messed up person i know and that everyone else knows, I recently started a new job and after being isolate for the best part of 6 years and thinking life was over,i actually quite enjoyed it and suprisingly i was able to socialise and didnt stand out, I know these words might not mean a lot to you but this is probably the happiest point of my life and i think im getting better and unfucking myself. This tendency does decrease with age and experience, but I'm 36 and still struggle with it somewhat. On the outside it might seem like nothing is wrong, but on the inside I am losing my damn mind. Having someone around you at all times that constantly expects something of you — time, attention, entertainment. Sure, lets stay home and do nothing, zero problems with that. That aside, many of these things would heavily rely on the mood, interests and characteristics of a person, regardless of whether they have SPD or not. My ex-gf and I have even discussed polygamy since we both like girls. Schizoids enjoy social things they can do in a non-social context. Below the form you can find more information on this and an example message as well. Cheating? Reliable - I go out of my way to avoid asking favors of people for the sole reason that I don't want to feel obligated to return the favor. To some extent this may be how other people see me, but even if all the people you’re observing are actually schizoid you’re making some big assumptions as to their motivations and reasons. After completing schizoid personality disorder test, you will get result with response sheet. If I did, I suppose they'd still be my friends, wouldn't they? Value you - If you only contact them once every few months they'll greatly appreciate you taking them out of their rhythm for a bit. Say what they think - While I am probably more honest and blunt than most people, I most definitely censor the stuff that comes out of my mouth. If you are sick and need to buy groceries, you can ask your schizoid friend and they'll always help. If someone disappears from my life, I'll definitely remember them (I have more object permanence than some people here seem to), but I'll never be motivated to actually get in contact again. Like being helpful - I usually don't mind being helpful, though I will quickly get frustrated if someone is dense and/or needs the same things constantly repeated. People get all emotional and uppity about some things. But that's no good, imo. Very interesting perspective. Don't complain - Complaining is usually not worth the effort, especially if it isn't going to change the situation. Value youI have a number of schizoid friends and because they don't have many friends themselves, they value those few they have. Related Articles. This is why I hate whenever my parents ask me about tech stuff. There's a clear difference in their emotion and you can sense it. Hard no. Faithfull? But will this parent be emotionally available for the kids, or will the parent imbue the kid with it's own schizoid tendences while doing so? For the most part though, if they fell off the face of the earth, I would just meet new people to do stuff with. People with schizoid PD … They don't panic and act rationally even during stressful situations. This ain't me at all! Sure, I am not even interested in a SO that much. So as for the I am not her father comment, I told her that because her main argument of why she deserved the bracelet was because Lila was stranger who we have only known for a year. I know it sounds retarded but I'm already fully convinced that I have SPD. Casual is perfect. No drama divorce/break up? Good with kids - I generally dislike children. I hate kids, too lazy to be reliable, may or may not be detail oriented at the time, too lazy and ugly to be unfaithful, may or may not handle emergencies well (depends on what it is), no-drama breakups TRUE, I would electrify my house to keep people away if I could, I value few people, I say what I think because I have no filter, I can complain about anything and probably will, I'm an emotional/fear of poverty hoarder, yes you can be crazy all you want just don't make me leave my house, jealous a little but not likely to fret so TRUE, helpful if I don't have to move too much, and TRUE I'll give you all the space you need and more. People with schizoid personality disorder typically experience: 1. Schizoid personality disorder (schizoid PD) is a cluster A personality disorder characterized by odd or eccentric social behavior that is consistent across a wide range of relationships and.. Schizoid Fantasies - reddit . Also, spend money very wisely, only on essential stuff. Trust is an important component of therapy so the treatment can be challenging for the therapist, because often people with schizoid personality disorder have a hard time forming relationships with others. I think this correlates again with the free agenda stuff. I usually try to be welcoming, but sometimes I don't have the energy to put in the effort or I don't actually want to deal with anyone at that moment. Although distress and functionality usually go hand in hand from my understanding. A friend will always help you assemble some furniture, if they have the time to, and you'll have a good time doing so if you're friends. Traci Pedersen. (4) In the case of being faithful, you've described already the other side of it, which may happen in the form of overreaction to any other stuff happening. My jaw's on the floor. Didn't like them when I was one myself. It feels like 16 years of my life have just all been explained in 1 hour. I'm going to give you the benefit of the doubt and assume you didn't mean it to sound this way, but some of these come across a bit like you enjoy having easygoing friends you can exploit for free labor. If the dearth of research on schizoid personality disorder continues, then there is a good chance the DSM-5 proposal will get realized, and schizoid personality disorder will be removed. Sure, they can meet you with a happy face, but don't abuse their hospitality. Everyone (schizoid or not) is encouraged to participate, but we ask that you follow the rules found below. Wiki Editor & Literature Enthusiast. Or maybe things look different from the outside vs the inside. Meaning, people with this disorder many not appear to be schizoid on the surface. Again, I think this goes back to the schizoid's inability to say no to or negotiate people's requests. Yes, I am a Schizoid American. Then again, I don't know any, so that might be part of the reason why. I don't make friends: not simply because I don't make an effort to make friends. Count me out, but I'm glad things are going well for you. I don't care enought. (9) "Say what they think". Detachment from other people 2. Languid Schizoid (with depressive features) An individual with the “languid” schizoid subtype tends … I think I can handle that :). (15) That might be the most accurate one of all them, because the nature of the schizoid is to distance themselves. I was going to reply, but you pretty much hit the mark in my case too. Good with kids - Kids are easier to deal with, but can get very annoying quickly. We are not meeting often, but those are actually people I can text with "Hey, how about going to the movie in 1h" they have the highest chance of saying yes. Plus, loving someone for what they want to change of themselves can be pretty hurtful, specially if they're trying to change for the better. I never say what I really think, to anyone (anonymous internet forums notwithstanding). Also, no. Unlikely, imo. Welcome to r/Schizoid! Sure, but like I said earlier, people tend to abuse this natural tendency I have, which makes me not as willing to help them out in the future. If you go out with your opposite-sex friend, your schizoid partner is very likely cool with that. While the conditions sound similar and share some symptoms, the differences between schizoid and schizotypal personality disorder become evident once a person learns about the diagnostic criteria for each.. A preoccupation with introspection and fantasy3 Th… Personally, someone could have a bad car crash right in front of me and I'd be able to go and try to help them out asap while some might be too shocked to react. Covert schizoids appear to be very social, have an active social life, and can even seem extroverted on the surface. I have no clue what's happening for them and I can only project my own ways of perceiving and thinking to approximate that (which probably is still pretty far away since I'm not SPD). It might take longer and won't be creative, but it till be bullteproof. Well sure, but I'll be secretly hating you the whole time if you repeatedly take advantage of my nature. Indifference to social norms and expectations 8. Let you be the crazy one - Yes. Schizoid personality disorder test is designed to check chances and if you have got high score from this test, then you should seek professional help. Those are upsides only. We use cookies on our websites for a number of purposes, including analytics and performance, functionality and advertising.